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Video Interview Guide

Do not underestimate the importance of the video interview, as this could make or break your chance for the all- important in-person interview. During the current Coronavirus outbreak many clients have turned to Skype or online channels to continue their recruitment processes.

Plan ahead

If a video interview is set-up then, practice making brief, interesting statements about how your qualifications relate to the job.

Be prepared

Have your CV to hand, answers to anticipated questions, and a list of questions you may wish to ask nearby. A pen and notepad also to jot down information you may need to recall later. The notepad should have at least 3 questions you want to ask the prospective employer about. Print out any information you found on the employer via their website or related resources so you can refer to it during the interview.

Get the interviewer’s name, title and contact information (such as e-mail address, phone, snail-mail address, etc.) from your consultant.

Prepare some note cards with information you really want to convey or answers to questions you anticipate. When you use these, make sure you don’t sound like you are reading them. You may have to practice reciting these ideas or answering the questions beforehand so as to sound natural.

Keep your CV available as most of the questions will be based upon, so keep it handy.

Avoid Interruption and check your surroundings

Ensure that you will not be interrupted by colleagues, family or pets and do not drink, or eat during a video interview. Give the interviewer(s) your undivided attention. Make sure you are attired professionally ideally smart workwear. Make sure you are well lit and not in silhouette.

Try to relax

Take some deep breaths before picking up the call. Be cool, calm and relaxed. Don’t be tense, as the interviewer might confuse this with lack of confidence. Take your time when responding as video interviews sometimes have a delay so avoid talking over each other.

Answer questions in short sentences

One of the things the employer has to go on during a video interview is your voice. Short sentences are more readily understood than long, rambling explanations. Shorter responses also provide you with more interactions between you and the employer. When giving an answer: be precise, brief, objective and honest. Do not try to be overconfident as you may end up appearing arrogant.

While speaking, moderate your speed and tone such that the interviewer can understand you clearly. Especially if it is a poor connection.

Avoid speaking too fast or too slow, too loud or to softly.

Practice your answers

Practice your answers to ensure you articulate your responses to anticipated questions as well as possible. Pay particular attention to what the tone of your voice is communicating. Employers are looking for enthusiasm and positive outlook.

Take your time in answering the questions and qualify your ‘yes’ or ‘no’ answers with a short explanation.

Back-up your weaknesses with positive remarks. (e.g. “I am not familiar with that, but I’m confident, that given a little exposure to it, I’ll be just fine.”)

Believe in yourself. Briefly highlight your accomplishments, successes, and promotions.

Restate the question

If you are asked something you are not sure how to answer, repeating the question gives you extra time to think of an answer. It also ensures that you have correctly understood the question and avoids long pauses on the phone.

Ask if you have made yourself clear

When you have given a particularly complex answer, ask the interviewer(s) if the information was understood. This encourages the employer to ask further questions and helps to avoid any possible misunderstandings.

Answer questions courteously

Try to sound relaxed and confident

Most important of all is to sound interested and state that, “you would be interested in talking further if the interviewer wants to take the process on to the next step.”

Body language

Remember on a video interview they can see you, keep your body language positive.


When answering video interviews and speaking to the interviewer. This keeps you looking and sounding enthusiastic and upbeat. Warm-up / clear your voice before taking the call.

If you would like further career advice visit our Consilium Guides https://www.consiliumrecruit.com/consilium-guides

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Russell Tuck

8th June

Career Advice